for girls

It’s so much fun to run your own business and make your own decisions. With Girl Scout Cookies, you can start today!

Supercharge your Cookie Sales!

Get Inspired
Check out Little Brownie Baker for some awesome activities, quizzes and more to help you get inspired and come up with ideas to make your Girl Scout Cookie sale a success!

Get Creative
Bling your booths! Create fliers and posters! Include thank-you cards and reorder stickers with your box delivery! We’ve provided some tools here to get you started. You can also find more craft ideas at

Become a Cookie Entrepreneur
Want to take your Cookie sale to the next level? Become a Cookie Entrepreneur. Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors can become a Cookie Entrepreneur Officer through this one-of-a-kind program. Sharpen your business skills and add a see the Girl Scout Cookie Program in a whole new way. Learn more about setting and reaching great goals and get more resources here.

Selling Tips
Visit for great ideas to sell your cookies.

Stay Safe

  • Show you’re a Girl Scout — Wear the Girl Scout membership pin and/or Girl Scout clothing to identify yourself as a Girl Scout.
  • Buddy up — Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe, it’s more fun.
  • Be streetwise — Become familiar with the areas and neighborhoods where you will be selling Girl Scout cookies.
  • Partner with adults — Adults must accompany Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies and Juniors when they are taking orders, selling or delivering product.  Girls grades 6-12 must be supervised by an adult when selling door-to-door and must never sell alone. Adults should be present at a cookie booth in any public place at all times.
  • Plan ahead — Always have a plan for safeguarding money, and avoid walking around with large amounts of it or keeping it at home or school. Give proceeds to supervising adults, who should deposit it as directed by your Girl Scout council as soon as possible.
  • Do not enter — Never enter the home or vehicle of a person when you are selling or making deliveries.  Avoid selling to people in vehicles or going into alleys.
  • Sell in the daytime — Sell only during daylight hours, unless accompanied by an adult.
  • Protect privacy — Girls’ names, addresses, or email addresses should never be given out to customers.  Use a group contact number or address overseen by an adult for customers to request information, reorder or give comments.  Protect customer privacy by not sharing their information except for the product sale. Girls should never take credit card numbers.
  • Be safe on the road — Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at intersections or walking along roadways.  Be aware of traffic when unloading product and passengers from vehicles.
  • Be Net wise — Take the GSUSA Internet Safety Pledge before going online and follow the specific guidelines related to marketing online. Girl Scouts cannot collect money online.
Girl Scouts of Hawai`i | 410 Atkinson Drive, Suite 2E1, Box 3 | Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 | T 808.595.8400 | F 808.691.9340 | [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Website © 2024 by Integrated Designs, Inc.